May and June were a very exciting and productive time for me as I moved forward in my making comics journey. I have three scripts of various lengths with pencilers and inkers: a short story, a full-length story, and a mini-graphic novel.
Making comics is fun--and it's a lot of hard work. I hope to chronicle all that work when I have a chance. You see, although the scripts are written, in many ways, my work is just beginning. Why? Because it takes a team to put a comic together. I work all day, and then I come home and work most nights. Anyway, at a later date, I'll recount what I've been doing, mistakes I've made, and all kinds of details.
For now, here's a little more concept art from a little project we like to call G_____ B_ M________. (Click on the image to see it in big and bold black and white detail!)

Coming soon: the creative team announcement!