Drawn by Brian Atkins, inked and lettered by Jeremiah Lambert, with colors by Juan Romera, and written by Timothy Bach, Gargoyle By Moonlight is an action-packed one-shot. Supernatural urban fantasy, it's old school storytelling with charming characters and stunning visuals.
Page 3 from Gargoyle By Moonlight. |
Each copy of the comic comes with a URL that'll take you to a free online GBM story. This bonus story is only available to readers who buy the print version.
It's been a long, slow rollout because I wanted several things to be in place before I went wide with the full release, but the book is available now. And I have a lot of things planned such as more free stories, great Web content, interviews, and even a trailer.
Please help spread the word by tweeting this blog or posting about the book to Facebook or wherever you hang out.
And don't forget to get your copy at Indy Planet today!
Coming soon: Get to know the characters.